
Last Blog Post of 2012

Hi all! I hope you’re not too swamped by the impending Christmas holiday and have allowed yourself plenty of time to get things sorted before the 25th. Ha, who actually does that? Christmas movies would be much less exciting if everything was all neat and tidily organised in time for Christmas Day.

I digress.

This will be my last post of 2012 and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for reading the blog and sharing the posts if you found them useful. It’s been a pretty crazy year for me, both personally and professionally, and everyone who reads this blog has been a part of that.

‘With A Little Help From Our Friends’ is very close to being finished. It has taken a little longer than anticipated but that’s the way it goes when you’re working around full time jobs and differing time zones. Look out for updates on how we’re getting along in 2013, when we start looking toward festivals and other little bits and pieces, like a behind the scenes video and the difficult task of selecting the cover of the DVD!

2012 also changed the way that I write my scripts. I went from writing completely alone, only consulting people once I had a physical script in my hand, to acquiring a co-writer for half of the projects I’m working on at the moment. It’s been challenging and incredibly rewarding to work with someone else – we’re lucky that the skills we have compliment one another’s weaknesses and we work wonderfully well together.

But that being said, I still have my own individual projects that I’m working on (as does he), which have really come into their own this year. I’m incredibly proud of the body of work that I’m building up and can’t help but feel that 2013 has great possibilities for where I go from here!

So to all of you – thank you for reading, I hope you’ve had a wonderful 2012 and I wish you an even better 2013.

Merry Christmas!

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