I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has helped out in even the smallest way with ‘With A Little Help From Our Friends’ this year, so I thought I’d film a video blog in which I wear antlers! Merry Christmas everyone! See you in 2012!
Production: Day Two, Part Two.
For Day One, Part One, click here!For Day One, Part Two, click here!For Day Two, Part One, click here! Sorry for the delay between posts – I’ve only been able to grab snippets at the computer for the last fortnight. Where we we? Oh, the choir practising Christmas Carols or suchlike out in the back …
Crowd-Funding: The Breakdown
I received a tweet a few days ago from Rachel on Twitter. She’s running an IndieGoGo campaign like we’ve been for With A Little Help From Our Friends and as we’ve managed to pull off such a successful campaign, she wondered if I could give her some tips. I want to start off by saying …
Production: Day Two, Part One.
For Day One, Part One, click here!For Day One, Part Two, click here! Day Two dawned chilly. I woke up early as I wanted to hit up our location at about 8.30am to start dressing the set – it was the one day that we had proper set dressing. I’d mocked up a bunch of …
Production: Day One; Part Two
Catch up on Part One here. Knowing that Markus had the kind of giggles that makes everything hilariously funny, I took him out of the room, off set and calmed him down away from the rest of the cast and crew. He managed to regain enough composure to continue on with the scene – he …
Production: Day One; Part One
Day one of With A Little Help From Our Friends was a late start. Because the location we’d managed to get was a theatre school, they had students in there until 1pm. So we scheduled the call time to be at 1pm on Saturday and we planned to wrap at 5pm and shoot two (and …
We’re Wrapped!
Wow. So it’s two days after we’ve wrapped and the dust has settled and all the cast and crew have headed back into normality. The shoot went really well, regardless of problems that cropped up here and there and we got everything we needed to shoot shot, so that’s always a good thing. I am …
The Countdown: Two Days Until We Shoot
I believe that this is what is called ‘crunch time’. The last few days have been busy trying to slot everything in place at the last minute, as you have to on a shoot. We’ve gotten our (not £200) harddrives delivered, I’m making lists of things that I need to have on set (pieces of …
The Countdown: Five Days Until We Shoot
It’s Monday already? Gosh, where did last week go? We’ve been busy in the ‘With A Little Help From Our Friends’ production office (and by that, I mean we’re all working out of our respective bedrooms) and suddenly we’re five days out from shooting. This week is out last chance to get everything in place …
Video Blog!
With A Little Help From Our Friends – Video Blog 2 from Alli Parker on Vimeo. That’s all I have to say! We’ve hit our target and you guys all rock – but if we can cover even more, the film would be even more awesome! Spare some change for us? Check out the campaign …