Sorry for the delay on the blog post over the past fortnight. I could regale you with reasons why I haven’t managed to write anything but that would waste perfectly good time when I could be telling you about all sorts of fun stuff that’s been happening with the ‘With A Little Help From Our …
A Whole New World
I recently put the call out on Twitter to see if there we any requests for topics (if you have any of your own, feel free to add them into the Comments) and a post on world building was asked for. The world is the place where your characters are interacting. They can vary from …
It’s Not Easy Being a Fictional Character
And nor should it be. A film should be about the most important moment in your characters lives. If it’s not, they why aren’t you writing about that instead? If it’s the most important moment of their lives, it means that there’s a lot at stake. And I don’t mean a lot, I mean A …
What Makes A Good Film Good?
I had an email from a friend of mine, Jase, who asked me a question I thought I’d write a blog post about. I’d be interested to hear from you, perhaps as a blog post subject, as a filmmaker, what makes a good film good, and a bad film bad? Are there times when you …