Everyone writes differently. There are definitely no right or wrong ways to get words down on the page – there are certain standards and formats that you can use to your advantage, to present yourself as knowledgable and professional. The most important thing you can do is figure out what works for you – then …
Things I Learnt This Weekend: TV Writers’ Studio – Melbourne
Although not technically ‘this’ weekend, on the 23rd – 24th of February, I was lucky enough to attend Epiphany Artists’ TV Writers’ Studio. This took place in Melbourne and in Sydney and I headed off to the Melbourne one as Sydney is a little too far for me to commute. The wonderous gang at Epiphany …
Post Production Update!
Sorry for the delay on the blog post over the past fortnight. I could regale you with reasons why I haven’t managed to write anything but that would waste perfectly good time when I could be telling you about all sorts of fun stuff that’s been happening with the ‘With A Little Help From Our …

The Countdown: Five Days Until We Shoot
It’s Monday already? Gosh, where did last week go? We’ve been busy in the ‘With A Little Help From Our Friends’ production office (and by that, I mean we’re all working out of our respective bedrooms) and suddenly we’re five days out from shooting. This week is out last chance to get everything in place …
Pre-Production: Auditions – Part 01
I am delighted to report that regardless of any qualms or nerves expressed in previous posts, the auditions for With A Little Help From Our Friends went mind-blowingly well. I’ll break down the process during the week, but in summary (at the beginning, I know, it’s a bit weird) we had: – Roughly 100 applications …
You Know What You’re Trying To Say? Say The Opposite.
As Ronan Keating once put it ‘You say it best when you say nothing at all.’ Perhaps not the best way to start off a new blog post, but I’m going to stick with it. The flashback to the nineties aside, I went and saw Thor on Tuesday night. I was looking forward to it …
Things I Learnt This Weekend – London Comedy Writers Festival 2011
If you follow me on Twitter, you probably already know that I went along to the London Comedy Writers’ Festival on the weekend to review the event for Step2InspireTV. If you don’t follow me on Twitter, this weekend I went along to the London Comedy Writers’ Festival on the weekend to review the event for Step2InspireTV. …
Comedy VS. Drama
Genre is a tricky beast to tackle. Each genre has its own pros and cons; its own rules and regulations. Genre writing is difficult enough for a 90 page feature film, let alone condensing those elements down into a 5 to 9 minute short film. To be honest, when I write, I don’t think too …