I had an email from a friend of mine, Jase, who asked me a question I thought I’d write a blog post about. I’d be interested to hear from you, perhaps as a blog post subject, as a filmmaker, what makes a good film good, and a bad film bad? Are there times when you …

Pre-Production: Organising Auditions; A Cautionary Tale
Operation: Playstation This week has been entirely flat out for me. Not only did we lose a day to a three day weekend (trust me, I am not complaining about that in the slightest!), but my ‘normal’ nine-to-five job has kicked up a notch in the past two weeks and it’s all go go go …
I am incredibly pleased to say that we are one step closer to making With A Little Help From Our Friends! I say one step, however, this week a couple of steps have gone forward and the film is looking like it is definitely going to happen which is exciting because for awhile there I …
Location, location, lo – what?
Hi all! Sorry for the radio silence over the past few weeks. I’ve been busy gallavanting around the world with precious little time to post to the blog. However, all is not lost and you guys get a post today! Whilst I’ve been away, Jack and Craig have been chasing up various bits and pieces. …

And so it goes!
Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you’re all wonderfully well and being wonderfully creative and productive. I’m very excited to announce the fact that ‘With A Little Help From Our Friends’ is 100% back on track, thanks to a couple of people I met at the Guerilla Filmmakers’ Masterclass at the start of June. Say G’Day …
Sharing the Love
Two friends of mine and I are trying something new and different. Just for fun. Jamie has popped up on this blog before (and he also has his own blog). Leilani hasn’t (but she, too, has her own blog). One thing we all have in common (other than how awesome we are) is that we …